Resilience Matters Blog
Supply Chain Resilience in 2025 and BeyondSupply Chain Resilience in 2025 and Beyond
Strengthen your supply chain resilience against disruptions from climate events, tariffs, political turmoil, labor strikes, and supplier failures. Discover proactive strategies to mitigate risk, secure alternative suppliers, and maintain operational stability. Act now to safeguard your business.
Latest Trends in Business ResilienceLatest Trends in Business Resilience
Business resilience is evolving rapidly as companies adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Here are some of the latest trends in holistic business resilience.
Cyber Security Isn’t Cyber ResilienceCyber Security Isn’t Cyber Resilience
In this post, we explain how cyber security isn’t cyber resilience. Cyber security only focuses on preventing attacks, but no system can be 100% secure and cyberattacks are inevitable. Cyber resilience focuses on how to anticipate, withstand, adapt, and recover from cyber disruptions. It’s about maintaining operations and minimizing downtime after security breaches or disruptions.
Maintaining Your Recovery PlanMaintaining Your Recovery Plan
You invested in building a recovery plan, and hopefully tested it and your team, but it doesn’t end there. Business continuity isn’t a project – it’s a program, and your plan needs to be maintained. Here is what plan maintenance involves.
Use Recovery Lessons to Improve OperationsUse Recovery Lessons to Improve Operations
By systematically integrating recovery lessons into your business management practices, you not only enhance your organization’s ability to handle future disruptions but also build a more resilient and adaptive business overall. Learn about: Recovery, Post-recovery, Business continuity plans, Risk assessment, Resilient, Leverage data, Aligning strategic objectives
The BCM Software TrapThe BCM Software Trap
BCM software is a valuable component of a business continuity strategy, but it is not a substitute for comprehensive planning, human oversight, and continuous improvement. A holistic approach that integrates software with effective processes, training, and risk management practices is essential for robust business continuity.
Amp Up Your Power Disruption ResilienceAmp Up Your Power Disruption Resilience
The painful reality is that our power utilities aren’t as reliable as we want to believe, and their facilities are vulnerable to attack. It’s time for organizations to actively mitigate and plan for disruptions of electricity and natural gas.
Cyber Insurance Isn't Cyber SecurityCyber Insurance Isn't Cyber Security
Increasingly, you only can buy cyber insurance when you prove that you have implemented comprehensive strategies to reduce your risk and mitigate the cost of cyber-attacks. In fact, it is more valuable to implement those cyber security strategies than to have the insurance policy.
A Near Miss is Not a SuccessA Near Miss is Not a Success
Luck and quick thinking are great in all aspects of life, but they aren’t business recovery strategies or risk mitigations. A near miss event should be treated very seriously, not as a success, and as a warning to bolster training, revise business recovery plans and implement additional risk mitigations.
Cutting the Wrong Corners During Recovery Cutting the Wrong Corners During Recovery
After a disruption or emergency occurs, it’s tempting to suspend some routine protocols, procedures and standards to recover as quickly as possible. It is often prudent and effective to do so but recovery teams should be mindful that cutting the wrong corners can increase risk, worsen the situation and increase recovery time.
Measure Resilience Versus Business Continuity ManagementMeasure Resilience Versus Business Continuity Management
Organizations need to make BCM programs measurable to enable useful oversight and accountability. Too often, however, measuring BCM becomes unnecessarily complex, time-consuming and onerous, diverting resources and sapping engagement and commitment.
Getting Executive Engagement in BCM Getting Executive Engagement in BCM
The success of a business continuity management program (BCM) in no small measure relies on executive engagement and support. Engagement is vital when initiating a BCM program or introducing an existing program to a new senior executive, and there are ways to achieve this strategic objective.
The New Normal - Multiple Events at the Same TimeThe New Normal - Multiple Events at the Same Time
The most serious risk to your organization isn’t malware, supply chain disruption, pandemic or any other event. Ironically, your biggest risk is your inability to adequately recover from multiple simultaneous disruptions. In the past few years, business and society have adapted to various ‘new normals’, and one of those is disruptions layered one on another and another.
Assessing Supplier ResilienceAssessing Supplier Resilience
Your organization has a choice regarding supplier resilience. You may assume that suppliers have sufficient plans and recovery procedures that will reduce the risk and impacts of disruptions to their operations. Or, you may choose to actively verify supplier resilience.
Build your resilience with Business Resilience Solutions.
Safeguard your past efforts and future profits with smart Business Continuity Management guided by Business Resilience Solutions.
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